by Samantha Bevington Samantha Cryer by Samantha Bevington Samantha Cryer

3rd Trimester: What to expect!

What to expect towards the end of pregnancy from swollen feet to bizarre dreams!

A baby bump is pictured with writing across it reading 'baby loading'.

Can you believe it? You're on the home stretch now, and the finish line is nearly in sight. What's in store for you during this exciting, slightly awkward, and definitely unforgettable phase? It’s a whole new world of swollen feet, nesting frenzies and baby hiccups. Welcome to the third trimester!

And don’t forget, if you’re looking for more info on how to prepare for the end of pregnancy & birth, you can take a look at my courses on offer in Greater Manchester.

How will my body change in the 3rd trimester?

Remember when your tummy looked like a wee bump and now it's like a full-blown masterpiece? Well, the third trimester takes that masterpiece and adds some finishing touches – like extra stretch marks and perhaps a bit of waddle to your walk. Your baby is growing like there's no tomorrow, which means your body is doing some serious bending and stretching to accommodate your tiny tenant.

Just when you think you can’t get any bigger… you can! When I was pregnant with my first child, a huge storm dubbed ‘The Beast From The East’ landed and, as I was around 35 weeks, my boss told me to stay at home instead of braving the ice. I remember spending my days feeling hopelessly large and not being able to reach my feet to put socks on. My tip: invest in slip on shoes or slippers as it’s way easier once you get to a certain point. You’ll also feel the benefit of these after birth when you’ll be achy and may find it difficult to bend down repeatedly.

A pregnant person sits with their swollen feet resting on a white sofa.

Hello, Swollen Feet!

On the topic of feet, regardless of the weather you might find your feet more puffy than usual. This is caused by retained fluid and is usually a fairly normal pregnancy complaint, but do see your midwife if this is giving you cause for concern. Don't be surprised if your shoes start to feel like they're in on a plot to make your feet resemble overstuffed sausages. Pro tip: put your feet up whenever you can, wear comfy shoes, and if all else fails, indulge in a foot massage. On a hot day… resting your feet on ice packs will do the trick.

pregnancy Nesting: The Obsession is Real

Have you suddenly turned into Marie Kondo? That's the nesting instinct kicking in! Your urge to clean, organise and prep the nursery is in full swing. Suddenly, dust become your sworn enemy and you can't sleep until you've alphabetised your spice rack. Just remember, it's all part of the process – embrace the nesting energy and channel it into creating a welcoming space for your soon-to-arrive bundle of joy. There will be less time for cleaning soon… or time better spent on cuddles and contact naps.

A pregnant lady poses with a dusting brush, ready to clean.

Weird Dreams in pregnancy

Dreams during pregnancy can be utterly bonkers. One night, you're riding a unicorn through a field of marshmallows, and the next, you're protecting your pet chickens from a shootout on a cruise ship. Honestly, my mind was blown too. Blame it on the hormones, but don't worry, you're not alone in this dreamy adventure. Speaking of nights, say hello to multiple trips to the loo and finding the perfect balance between pillows for the optimal "cloud-like" sleep experience. You might become very uncomfortable at night now. You’re heavier, full of more fluid than before and the dreaded pelvic and lower back pain can keep you awake. Rest whenever you can and know that this is experienced by many. Again, if you’re concerned about anything in particular, make sure you mention it to your midwife!

feeling Baby Hiccups

Finally, something nice to look forward to. You know how you get hiccups after a heavy meal? Well, babies get them too, and feeling those tiny hiccups from the inside is both cute and hilarious. It might be a little bit weird at first, but you'll soon come to adore the rhythmic ripples. Partners or others can often feel the hiccups too when placing their hand on your bump.

Brace Yourself for Braxton Hicks

A pregnant woman places her hand on a bump and looks to be in pain.

Braxton Hicks contractions are like practice rounds for the main event. These contractions might feel a bit like a tummy tightening or a gentle squeeze, but don't worry, they're just your body's way of getting ready for the big day. However, if they start feeling more regular or intense, it's always a good idea to give your midwife or doctor a quick ring just to be on the safe side. A contraction timing app (grab a free one - the paid ones don’t do much more and are a waste of money!) can tell you whether the contractions are getting closer together or longer too.

The Countdown and Mixed Emotions

As your expected due date approaches, you might experience a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute you're bouncing with excitement, and the next, you're struck with a sudden panic about it all. It's all completely norma!. Remember to give yourself a break, take deep breaths, and treat yourself to a little pampering.

I’d also highly recommend scheduling something in for your due date - dinner out at a local restaurant (easy to cancel!) or a trip to the cinema. Due dates hold so much expectation and when the day comes and goes with no sign of the baby, it can feel a little bit underwhelming. Make sure you celebrate the occasion whether the baby is here or not, knowing that within a matter of weeks your life will be very different.

Tips for Surviving and Thriving in the 3rd Trimester

  • Hydrate: Drink water like it's your new part-time job. Staying hydrated helps with swelling and keeps you feeling more energetic.

  • Snack Smart: Keep healthy snacks on hand to beat those sudden hunger pangs. Nuts, fruits, and yogurt are your friends. Also see this blog post on eating dates and the benefits this can bring for your labour!

  • Ensure you’ve booked onto The Essential Antenatal + Hypnobirthing Course to fully prepare for the next steps. You’ll feel empowered knowing your options and what to really expect from birth.

  • Rest and Recharge: Nap like it's an Olympic sport. Growing a human is hard work, and you need all the rest you can get. There was a huge difference in my own ability to deal with the ups and downs of labour: one of my labour started after being awake for 30 hours. One started at 6.30am after a full night of sleep. Being well rested makes a HUGE difference to your mindset and your ability to cope & make decisions whilst in labour.

  • Pack That Hospital Bag: It's better to have your hospital bag packed a bit early. No one wants to be rushing around during those "is-it-time?" moments.

So there you have it - your guide to surviving and thriving in the glorious third trimester. Remember, each pregnancy journey is unique, so embrace the quirks and relish the countdown to meeting your little one.

Sam x

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