Only 4% of babies are born on their due date!

Why hasn’t my baby arrived on its due date?

Statistically, only 4% of babies are born on their due date and many healthy babies are born after this.


I often discuss the advantage of planning a meal out or date night on a baby’s due date with my expectant couples. There’s a good chance that you might be able to fulfil your plans, but make sure it’s something easy to cancel if needed.

No matter how reasonable and rational you feel about your due date, it’s completely normal to feel a hint of sadness when your baby doesn’t turn up ‘on schedule’. Think about it - you’ve been waiting for this day for 9 months!

Personally I took delight in going to as many different places on my due date as possible. Feeling huge and waddling like a penguin, I was determined to keep as active as possible and get those last minute bits and pieces from the shops.

The lady on the tills at Dunelm Mill told the entire queue that I was due that day, with a hint of panic as if they might need to run and get some towels any minute. And the waiter in the restaurant that evening couldn’t bring the card machine fast enough when I told her that the baby was fully baked.

Comment below - What have you planned for your due date? Or if your baby has already arrived, did you do anything fun on your estimated due date?